Hampshire College AAUP Chapter

Re-established in 2018, Hampshire College’s advocacy chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP-HC) champions academic freedom; advances shared governance; and organizes to promote economic security for all academic professionals, in line with the mission of the national organization. In accordance the One Faculty campaign, AAUP-HC organizes with non-administrative faculty across rank and category, including ten-year-track faculty, faculty associates, visiting faculty, and adjunct faculty.

Principles Governing AAUP-HC Advocacy:

  1. The survival of Hampshire College starts with the survival of the people who make Hampshire what it is: the faculty and staff who work here, and the students who attend.

  2. The College cannot carry out its core academic mission without its faculty.

  3. The College’s employment policies and practices must be aligned with its founding principles of social justice and with the college’s academic mission.

  4. Efforts to restore—or even expand—shared governance must continue even in a challenging financial environment.


May 17, 2021—Hampshire's faculty ratified an agreement with Hampshire College on budget, support for visiting faculty, support for faculty of color and international faculty, professional support, and a Target of Opportunity hiring process, negotiated by HC-AAUP's Negotiating Team.

Read the Agreement

Also ratified: a revised Agreement on Voluntary Separations, temporary leaves of absence, incentivized retirement, and temporary reduced FTE (Initially negotiated in 2019 and 2020)

May 23, 2020—HC-AAUP negotiated a successful agreement with Hampshire College on budget, COVID-19 response, professional support, transparency, due process, and equity.

Read the Agreement

Read the Joint Press Release (6.10.20)

Additional Context

Press coverage:

Chronicle of Higher Education: "Will COVID-19 Revive Faculty Power?"

Hampshire Daily Gazette: "Hampshire College Faculty, Administrators Agree to Pay Cuts"

Masslive: "Hampshire College Accord Avoids Faculty Layoffs"

University Business: "Hampshire Faculty Agree to Salary Reductions"

Fall 2020—Read 2020-21 Hampshire College AAUP President Michele Hardesty's reflections on faculty organizing in a time of COVID-19 in Academe. Click here.

Fall 2019—Hampshire College AAUP was featured in the Fall 2019 issue of Academe, the magazine of the American Association of University Professors!

Pages from AcademeFall2019.pdf

Hampshire Faculty Legal Services Fund

Hampshire Faculty Legal Services Fund was established to support the costs of our legal representation and is a fiscally sponsored project of the Alliance for Global Justice, 501c3 nonprofit. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.

To donate by check, make your check payable to Alliance for Global Justice / Hampshire Faculty Legal Support Fund and mail to:

225 E. 26th Street, Suite 1, Tucson, AZ 85713

For the check to be cashed and applied to the Hampshire Faculty Legal Support Fund, it must be made to either

  • Alliance for Global Justice / Hampshire Faculty Legal Support Fund, or

  • Alliance for Global Justice, with the Hampshire Faculty Legal Support Fund on the memo line.

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook

Twitter: @hampshireaaup

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HCAAUP

Contact the Chapter

hampshirecollegeaaup [at] gmail.com

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